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Friday, January 18, 2019

"We All Have Crowns"

Relax. It's just me. I know you haven't heard from me in quite a while. I don't waxes and wains and some things take priority while other things take a back seat or a back burner. It certainly was never my intention to put "On The Porch" on a back burner, but - oh well.

I do love to read but sometimes that desire waxes and wains too. Can anyone out there relate to that? I'll read and read and be so excited about each book and then, all of a sudden, I just can't read for a while. I wish I could change that about me. Another oh, well......

It may sound silly - since I don't have a house full of kids or grandkids - but I have a favorite children's author, Nancy Tillman. Her books definitely are geared for that time before what they call "chapter books" today. They're for the very young. But they're also for all ages. If you are not aware of Nancy Tillman, I encourage you to check out your favorite book store or go online and read some of her books. Wow. I have quite a collection of them and love them. I give them as gifts to adults because they speak to all of us. Warning: They're sentimental. And if you're an emotional mama, you'll weep a little, because they will remind you of your love for your own child. Her books will put into words what you feel and want for your own children. And they will also speak to you about how you want people you love to feel about themselves. And the artwork in each book is amazing!

I recently purchased Tillman's "The Crown On Your Head" and I'm going to give it to you - right here. It will swell your heart and bring you joy. Read.


On the day that we met and I put you to bed, I noticed a crown on the top of your head.
It was made up of sparkling, glimmering things, like moonlight and fireflies and dragonfly wings.

As the days came and went, it was faithful and true...and it grew right along with the rest of you.

I always knew just what your crown meant. It said that you were MAGNIFICENT!
(That means you are grand from your toes to your chin. Take a deep breath and let that sink in.

That's about as high as a word can climb! That's the top of a mountain....a steeple chime.
That's over the moon in a nursery rhyme...and it means, like a star YOU WERE BORN TO SHINE!

(Blink three times and...there you are! You are twinkling, little star!)

In other words, from your very first day, you were chosen to glow in a very big way!

With your crown made of glittering, high-flying things, you've got a wind in your pocket,
your wishes have wings.
You can run like you mean, let the wind blow....There's just no telling how high you can go!

Whatever it is you choose to do, no one can do it exactly like you.
Ride on the big slide! And if you fall down, remember your glorious marvelous crown.

It won't flicker or fade. It won't dim. It won't leave. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS BELIEVE.

No one's is brighter, no one's is duller. It's only a crown of a different color.
So sometimes, just every now and then, whisper "I believe" again.
Your crown is your best friend forever, by far. It tells the true story of just who you are.

That's why every night, when I put you to bed, I'm careful to kiss the crown on your head.
Ahhhh, wasn't that great? I'm telling you, check her out.

In a sort of related way - and absolutely by chance, my dear friend Judy and I were talking a few days ago and we came upon the subject of our very own crowns. Coincidence, not related to the book in any way.
We agreed that we both have crowns (You do too). We agreed that sometimes those crowns sparkle and sometimes they don't. Sometimes they're downright dull, for sure. And often they are askew, sitting rather crooked on our heads and sometimes they're all tilted back, in a sort of jaunty "I don't give a darn" kind of way. We often aren't even aware of them and particularly when they're dull, we'd really rather forget they're there. But they are there. And when they shine, even just a little, it's a wonderful thing. I guess a worthwhile goal is to be more aware of those crowns on our own heads and on the heads of others. I suppose that helping others to make their own crowns to shine, might even help our own to do the same. Just a thought. Good talk, Judy. Always.

And regarding the Nancy Tillman book that I shared above, sending special love tonight to my own wandering boy, whose crown I've always regarded as bright and magnificent. And also special love to precious baby Kru Maddyn, born January 15. My goodness, baby girl, what wonders you will see!

And for the record, no porch tonight! Brrrrrr. But it's winter and you know I love it.